Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 315662


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Анотація: Today marketing is a key driver of any business. The world is awash in innovative products, services, technologies, solutions, business models, etc. These new offerings must be brought to market and commercialized in order to generate revenue and profit. Understanding how marketing can sustain a company, give a thorough exploration of customer perceptions, buyer personas, messaging, communication, data, etc. will equip students to act as well-rounded, critical thinkers. That foundational knowledge in marketing makes savvier professionals - no matter what the industry. The main objective of the course is to develop literacy in marketing, to provide understanding of and proficiency in using major tools, to promote practical skills essential for building and improving businesses and individual careers. The students will learn about customer obsession marketing, how to captivate and deal with people, how to read and understand data and turn analytics into strategy, how to build awareness and communication, discover modern trends in online marketing.

Тип дисципліни: вибіркова

Рік навчання: 3

Семестр: 5

Кількість кредитів: 3

Форма контролю: залік

Зміст дисципліни: Lecture 1 (Course description and Introduction) Understanding your customer: segmentation, value proposition, customer relationships, customer "obsession" (customer centricity) Lecture 2 Market: competition, suppliers, online/offline research, instruments, defining growth potential Lecture 3 Positioning: differentiation, positioning concept and practical tools, marketing trends affecting positioning Mid term exam Lecture 4 Messaging and Communication: branding, advertising strategies. Digital and social media Lecture 5 Go-to-market strategies: implementing objectives, planning/budgeting, strategies addressing real business challenges Lecture 6 Marketing online versus marketing offline: instruments and trends

Мова навчання: англійська