Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 315797


Сучасні європейські безпекові студії

Анотація: The course's objective is to provide students with the analytical tools to understand the special nature of the EU's approach towards the security issues and explore the current state of European security and security institutions in face of new challenges. After a short historical and theoretical introduction, it considers the new European strategic environment in light of the recent developments. The role of traditional institutions - the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, NATO and the EU Common European Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) have confronted tremendous challenge. With a focus on the development and execution of the European Security Strategy, security issues in the Eastern Neighborhood, where Russia and the EU have been on a collision course, as well as developments in the Southern Neighborhood and the Mediterranean Union, the security implications of the Arab Spring, will be discussed. The course will also address specifically European relations with Ukraine, especially ways that European integration can provide for conflict resolution and national integrity of Ukraine.

Тип дисципліни: вибіркова

Рік навчання: 2017-2018

Семестр: 4

Кількість кредитів: 3

Форма контролю: залік

Викладач(і): Єремєєв О.С.

Результати навчання: Завданнями курсу є:
" вивчити теоретичні і методологічні засади студій мультикультуралізму;
" розвинути певні практичні навички, зокрема:
o вміння писати науково-дослідницьку роботу
o вміння проводити глибинне інтерв'ю
o вміння ефективно презентувати теоретичні тексти аудиторії
o вміння ефективно презентувати своє дослідження
o вміння давати корисні коментарі щодо досліджень колег
o вміння користуватися електронними академічними ресурсами через бібліотеку КМА
o вміння бачити аспекти мультикультуралізму у повсякденному житті
o вміння аналізувати та розробляти публічну політику з мультикультуралізму

Спосіб навчання: аудиторне, самостійне

Зміст дисципліни: The goal of this course is to gain expertise in the main debates pertaining to the issue of multiculturalism. In particular, we will focus on the theoretical perspective of multiculturalism, its requirement for public policy as well as philosophical and practical critiques of multiculturalism. Geographically we will address the experience of the countries with significant tradition of multicultural policies, such as Canada and the US, as well as draw on the examples from other cases when appropriate for the particular discussion. At the end of the course we will address the issue of multiculturalism in Soviet and post-Soviet society explicitly as well as discuss the main multicultural challenges and applications of multicultural policies in the case of Ukraine.

Рекомендована література: (1) Barry, Brian (2001) Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism: "Introduction" (pp. 3-17), "Outline of a Theory of Group Rights" (pp. 146-154), "The Limits of Toleration" (pp. 165-169), "Multicultural Education" (pp. 233-238), "The Abuse of Culture" (pp. 251-291), "MC vs. Democracy" (pp. 299- 305), "Culture vs. Equality" (pp. 317-328)
(2) Campani, Giovanna (2004) "Minorities and Migrants: "Models" of MC in Europe and Canada", in M. Mesic (ed.) Perspectives of Multiculturalism: Western and Transitional Countries, Zagreb: FFPress (pp. 56-67); http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001375/137520e.pdf
(3) Carens, Joseph "Culture, Citizenship and Community": Ch.5 "Cultural Adaptation and the Integration of Immigrants: the Case of Quebec" (pp. 107-139), "Citizenship and the Challenges of Aboriginal Self-Government: Is Deep Diversity Desirable?" (pp. 177-199)
(4) Drobizheva, Leokadia, Gottemoeller, Rose, Kelleher, McArdle, Lee (1998) Ethnic Conflict in Post-Soviet World: Case Studies and Analysis, M.E. Sharpe
(5) Fesenko, Volodymyr (2001) "Perspective on a Liberal-Pluralist Approach to Ethnic Minorities in Ukraine" in Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported ed. by W. Kymlicka and M. Opalski, Oxford University Press (pp. 283-296)
(6) Gordon, Milton M. (1976) Assimilation in American Life, New York: Oxford University Press: Ch. 5 "Theories of Assimilation: Part II Melting Pot" and Ch. 6 "Theories of Assimilation: Part III Cultural Pluralism" (pp. 115-159)
(7) Hannum, Hirst "Territorial Autonomy: Permanent Solution or Step towards Secession?" www.zef.de/download/ethnic_conflict/hannum.pdf
(8) Kymlicka, Will Multicultural Citizenship: Liberal Theory of Minority Rights: Ch. 3-5 (pp. 34-106)
(9) Kymlicka, Will Multicultural Citizenship: Liberal Theory of Minority Rights: Ch. 3-5 (pp. 34-106)
(10) Kymlicka, Will (1995) "MC Citizenship": Ch. 7 "Ensuring a Voice for Minorities" (pp 131-151)

Форми та методи навчання: лекції, семінари, самостійна робота

Мова навчання: українська. англійська