Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 317047


Маркетинг в охороні здоров`я

Анотація: The current state of health of the population of different countries of the world is determined by quite different trends: in some countries, the life expectancy of the population is increasing, non-infectious diseases are gaining ground over infectious ones, preventive services are in greater demand than other medical products; however, the situation is different in other countries: infectious diseases remain the main cause of death, and access to high-quality health services is limited. These factors significantly affect the development of the medical services market and the diversification of participants represented on it. In particular, now state, communal, private medical institutions and even social organizations work in the field of health care and form the market of medical services.

Тип дисципліни: Professionally oriented

Рік навчання: 2

Семестр: Autumn

Кількість кредитів: 3 (total number of hours - 90; classroom hours - 28; independent work - 62)

Форма контролю: Test

Викладач(і): Бортнік Анастасія Миколаївна, доцент

Результати навчання: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must: (1) possess theoretical knowledge: define the concept of marketing and its components, describe the marketing complex (5R, 7R), understand the concept of competition, distinguish the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning, as well as possess the concepts of service, product portfolio , brand, branding, understand how a communication strategy and advertising campaign is planned; (2) have the skills to: conduct an analysis of the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, customer journey analysis, plan and conduct target audience analysis, determine possible communication channels for different target audiences, including the use of digital marketing tools, analyze the company's product portfolio and the stage of the product (service) life cycle, plan feedback programs connection and loyalty for the company's customers, to present their own developments, in particular, marketing strategy, which are based on the analysis of the market and target audience; (3) understand how the concept of marketing can be applied to various participants in the market of medical services: state, communal, private health care institutions and social organizations working in this field.

Спосіб навчання: Auditory

Необхідні обовязкові попередні й супутні модулі: -

Зміст дисципліни: the course offers students to familiarize themselves with the concept of marketing, the features of marketing in health care, the concept of marketing complex, segmentation and positioning, competition and service. The course also provides that students will learn about modern approaches to digital marketing, features of brand creation and re-branding, the concept of social marketing and its role in brand promotion.

Рекомендована література: Гаррі Беквіт. "Продаючи невидиме. Керівництво з сучасного маркетингу послуг". Клуб сімейного досугу, 2018.
Питер Кук. "Креатив приносит деньги". Гревцов Паблишер, 2007.
Дон Секстон. Университет Трампа. "Маркетинг. Самые виграшные маркетинговые ходы". Попурри, 2011.
Джон Шоул. "Первоклассный сервис как конкурентное преимущество". Альпина, 2008.
Фю Зимбардо, Дж. Бойд. "Парадокс времени". Речь, 2010.
Даниэль Канеман. "Думай медленно. Решай быстро". АСТ, 2014.
Виктор Труш, Константин Чекменев. "Интернет-маркетинг в медицине. Основы интернет-маркетинга в медицине, практические советы". Литрес, 2018.
Карл Сьюэлл, Пол Браун. "Клиенты на всю жизнь". Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2018.
Девід Огілві. "Про рекламу". Ексмо, 2010.

Форми та методи навчання: lectures, seminar classes, independent work

Методи й критерії оцінювання: Rating assessment according to the 100-point system: current control - 70 points (homework, midterm tests, development of a research proposal); final control - 30 points (credit).

Мова навчання: English