Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 318040


Багатостороння та множинна дипломатія

Анотація: Aim of the Course The course aims at introducing one of the less studied and under-researched spheres of international relations, that is, international aid and development. While development as a technical process is studied in economics faculties with emphasis on statistics and data, the present course deals with development in the holistic sense of the term. It caters to the needs of advanced studies in the area of international relations, foreign policy and regional studies, to the need of understanding the complex processes of decision making and a fast changing world. Much of the security architecture of the world and the essence of multilateralism is built on cooperation and competition and the central focus of both is development. The knowledge and competence obtained as a result of this course will be useful in analytical, research, policy-making, teaching, consultative as well as in diplomatic work and in international and development organizations. This course is important for Ukraine as an aid recipient and focuses on the history of how recipient countries evolve to become donors in the long run. Various components of development, such as participatory decision making and inclusion, social capital and local self-governance are discussed in detail during the course lectures and seminars.