Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 318053


Міжнародна політика допомоги і розвитку

Анотація: The proposed course «International Aid and Development Policy» is designed for students of the advanced level Master’s Degree Program in «International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies» of the International Relations Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies of NaUKMA as a compulsory discipline within the academic program No. 291 «International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies». The course aims at introducing one of the less studied and under-researched spheres of international relations, that is, international aid and development. While development as a technical process is studied in economics faculties with emphasis on statistics and data, the present course deals with development in the holistic sense of the term. It caters to the needs of advanced studies in the area of international relations, foreign policy and regional studies, to the need of understanding the complex processes of decision making and a fast changing world. Much of the security architecture of the world and the essence of multilateralism is built on cooperation and competition and the central focus of both is development. The knowledge and competence obtained as a result of this course will be useful in analytical, research, policy-making, teaching, consultative as well as in diplomatic work and in international and development organizations. This course is important for Ukraine as an aid recipient and focuses on the history of how recipient countries evolve to become donors in the long run. Various components of development, such as participatory decision making and inclusion, social capital and local self-governance are discussed in detail during the course lectures and seminars.

Тип дисципліни: нормативна

Рік навчання: І

Семестр: 1, осінній

Кількість кредитів: 4,0 кредитів (загальна кількість - 120 годин, лекції - 14 годин, семінари - 26 годин, самостійна робота - 80 годин)

Форма контролю: залік

Викладач(і): Ґош Мрідула, старший викладач, PhD in History

Результати навчання: Learning outcomes of the course are both soft and hard skills, the knowledge and ability of the students to:
1. Use the basic knowledge on the nature, sources and areas of evolution of aid and its linkages to international relations and foreign policy of states and groups of states;
2. Place the context of aid and development in the process of globalization and the changes that have emerged with it on diplomacy and foreign policies;
3. Become aware of the scientific approaches, terminology and the methodology of research of aid and development;
4. Analyze aid and development from the point of global and regional security, role of aid in preventing emerging and resolving frozen conflicts.
5. Understand the newer dimensions of aid and development during the past decade.

It will help students in applying the knowledge and acumen to:
6. collect, systematize and process a profuse amount of information;
7. identify the trends in international development from the point of effectiveness of aid;
8. evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of development policy vis-a-vis the security policy of states and groups of states;
9. prepare analytical papers and notes, reports on the state of development of sectors that need foreign aid and need further development of any particular country;
10. determine the required experience (model success story of one country) to be studied and used for another country that needs development of that specific sector;
11. write and draft aid and development programs of specific sectors to build into the state strategy;
12. conduct independent research and collect data on the topics covered by the course;
13. use foreign language (English) as a medium to access knowledge and apply in practice.

Learning outcomes will help in the formulation and articulation of positions of students while:

14. Interacting with experts and practitioners in the area of aid and development cooperation.
15. Organizing and participating in discussions and debates on the topics of the course.
16. Professionally understanding the role and significance of the effective use of available aid for Ukraine to develop into a prosperous economy.

These learning outcomes correspond to the standards laid down in the Standards of Higher Education for specialization 291 “International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies” second (master’s) level of higher education dated 04.08.2020 No. 1003, in particular, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.

[Вищезазначені результати навчання (РН) відповідають пунктам №1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 також 15 і 16 затвердженим Стандартам вищої освіти за спеціальністю 291 «Міжнародні відносини, суспільні комунікації та регіональні студії» другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти від 04.08.2020 р. №1003.]

Спосіб навчання: аудиторний

Зміст дисципліни: 1.What is Aid? What is Development? Examination of these concepts, relationship with foreign policy and international relations – History and Evolution from Marshal Plan till modern times – what are development policies of states – how are bilateral ties influenced by aid policies 2. Aid and Sovereignty – Aid and Power – Development in Practice: Traditions, Negotiations, Donor Strategies and Recipient Expectations – Recipient ownership 3. The UN system and Development Policy – emergence – development – newer realities – new donors – factors of development (environment, gender, Human Rights, SDGs) 4. Regional Dimensions of Aid and Development (Case studies and experiences of countries and regions) 5. Securitization of Aid and Development – Linking Development and Foreign Aid with Security – Linking Human Rights and Human Security with Aid and Development 6. Resources, Partnerships and the Future of Aid: International Trade and the Future of World Development (Leading Aid and Development Cooperation agencies)

Рекомендована література: 1. Carol Lancaster, Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics, Other Social Sciences/Politics, 2006, Pp. 288-298
2. Wood, Robert E. From Marshall Plan to Debt Crisis: Foreign Aid and Development Choices in the World Economy, University of California Press, 1987, Pp. 413
3. Brown, Stephen, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, Canada and Gravingholt, Jorn, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute, Germany, The Securitization of Foreign Aid, Palgrave MacMillan, UK/USA, 2016, Pp. 287
4. Hiroshi Kato, John Page, Yasutami Shimomura (Ed.), Japan’s Development Assistance: Foreign Aid and the Post-2015 Agenda, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. Pp. 392
5. Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black (Ed.) Rethinking Canadian Aid, Second Edition, University of Ottawa Press, 2016. Pp. 353.
6. Browne, Stephen & Weiss, Thomas G. Routledge Handbook of the UN and Development, London/New York, 2021, Pp. 333
7. Sumner, Andy & Mallett, Richard, The Future of Foreign Aid: Development Cooperation and the Geography of Global Poverty, Palgrave MacMillan Co., London/New York, 2013, Pp. 115.
8. Browne, Stephen & Laird, Sam, Global Institutions: The International Trade Center – Export impact for good, Routledge, UK/USA, 2011, Pp. 176
9. Whitfield, Lindsay, The Politics of Aid: African Strategies for Dealing with Donors, Oxford University Press, Oxon/New York, 2009, Pp. 422
10. Eun Mee Kim and Pil Ho Kim (Ed.), The South Korean Development Experience - Beyond Aid, Palgrave MacMillan, UK/USA, 2014, Pp. 197.

Форми та методи навчання: Лекції, семінарські заняття, самостійна робота, 1 письмова робота

Методи й критерії оцінювання: Рейтингове оцінювання за 100-бальною системою: поточний контроль – 60 балів (участь у семінарських заняттях, виконання завдань самостійної роботи); підсумковий контроль – 40 балів (залік)

Мова навчання: Англійська