Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС

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Код: 318253


Багаторівневе управління: теорія та практика

Анотація: The course (a) explains the concept and the analytical model of multi-level governance and (b) applies it to enhance the understanding of the post-2014 decentralisation reform in Ukraine. The course pays special attention to policy-making in the EU, where nation-states simultaneously disperse authority to the European and to the sub-state levels. The theoretical insights and the comparison of multi-level governance across countries in the EU helps investigating the domestic decentralisation reform and identifying its implications on democratic accountability in Ukraine.

Тип дисципліни: Професійно-орієнтована

Рік навчання: 1


Кількість кредитів: 3 ЄКТС

Форма контролю: залік

Викладач(і): Романова В.В. стр.викл.к.н.

Спосіб навчання: очна, дистанційно

Зміст дисципліни: The course (a) explains the concept and the analytical model of multi-level governance and (b) applies it to enhance the understanding of the post-2014 decentralisation reform in Ukraine. The course pays special attention to policy-making in the EU, where nation-states simultaneously disperse authority to the European and to the sub-state levels. The theoretical insights and the comparison of multi-level governance across countries in the EU helps investigating the domestic decentralisation reform and identifying its implications on democratic accountability in Ukraine.

Рекомендована література: Benz, Arthur. 2016. Differentiating multi-level administration. Patterns of administrative co-ordination in the European Union / TARN Working Paper, Issue 4.
Conceiзгo-Heldt E & S Meunier ‘Speaking with a single voice: internal cohesiveness and external effectiveness of the EU in global governance’, Journal of European Public Policy, 21, 7, 2014, pp. 964-966.
Jeffery, Charlie & John Peterson ‘Multi-level governance: Reconceptualising Europe’s modernized polity’, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2020, 22(4): 753-766.
Huck/Kurkin. 2018. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the transnational multilevel system, in: Heidelberg Journal of International Law (HJIL)/ Zeitschrift fьr auslдndisches цffentliches Recht und Vцlkerrecht (ZaцRV), Vol. 2, PAGES 38-49.
OECD. 2018. Maintaining the Momentum of Decentralisation in Ukraine. OECD: Multi-level Governance Studies.
Robin Boadway, Sean Dougherty. 2018. Decentralisation in a Globalised World: Consequences and Opportunities / OECD Working Papers on Fiscal Federalism No. 21.
Ladner A., Keuffer N., Baldersheim H. Measuring Local Autonomy in 39 Countries (1990-2014). Regional & Federal Studies. 2016. 26 (3). ?. 321-357.
Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Arjan H. Schakel, Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield. 2016. Measuring Regional Authority. A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume I. Oxford University Press.
Levitas, Tony, and Jasmina Djikic. 2017. Caught Mid-Stream: “Decentralization,” Local Government Finance Reform, and the Restructuring of Ukraine’s Public Sector 2014 to 2016. Swedish Association of Local and Regional Authorities (SKL).
Saito-Jensen, Moeko. 2015. Multilevel Governance Theory. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.com/stable/resrep02152.5
Special symposium on Multi-Level Governance, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2020, 22(4): 753-836.
Swianiewicz, Pawel, 2018. If territorial fragmentation is a problem, is amalgamation a solution? – Ten years later, Local Government Studies, Volume 44, 2018 - Issue 1: 1-10
Swianiewicz, Pawel. 2010. If Territorial Fragmentation is a Problem, is Amalgamation a Solution? An East European Perspective, Local Government Studies, 36:2, 183-203.
Swisa, Maya. 2011. Future Stability in the European Union: Realism, Constructivism, and Institutionalism / Claremont–UC Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union. Volume 11.
USAID. 2014. Local Governance and Decentralization Assessment: Implications of Proposed reforms in Ukraine.

Форми та методи навчання: семінарське, самостійне

Методи й критерії оцінювання: Оцінювання знань студентів здійснюється за 100-бальною рейтинговою системою у відповідності до "Положення про критерії оцінювання знань здобувачів вищої освіти в НаУКМА"

Мова навчання: Англійська, Українська