
Faculty of Computer Sciences

MD "Information management systems and technologies"

Master’s Program “Computer Science and Engineering”

Educational Field 0501 “Computer Science and Engineering”

Specialty 8.05010101 “Information Management Systems and Technologies”

Qualification Granted

Master in the field 8.05010101 “Information Management Systems and Technologies”

Qualification Level


Special Requirements for Admission

Higher education (Bachelor’s degree granted by a university with accreditation levels III-IV) in the field 0501“Computer Science and Engineering”.

Special Regulations for Recognition of Prior Education (formal, informal, or non-certificate)


Program Profile
The Master Program of the specialty 8.040401”Information Management Systems and Technologies” focuses on training the experts to do research, perform scientific and technical developments in the field of designing and implementing information systems.

Total amount of ECTS credits is 120, including:

mandatory disciplines: humanitarian, social, and economic training (9 credits); professional and practical training (89 credits);
optional disciplines (8  credits);
state certification (14 credits).

Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge in the Subject Area

  • System Analysis and Decision Theory
  • Programming
  • Computer Software Architecture
  • Computer Networks
  • Databases and Information Systems
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence

2. Cognitive Skills in the Subject Area

  • ability to use professionally oriented knowledge and practical skills of fundamental professional disciplines;
  • ability to do research and education work; commitment to scientific research for the degree of candidate of science.

3. Practical Skills in the Subject Area

  • ability to develop software products;
  • ability to design data processing systems and management with the use of network solutions, hardware and software products of leading world manufacturers;
  • ability to select programming technology that fits the needs of specific systems and develop applications in various subject areas;
  • ability to build effective computational algorithms;
  • ability to develop complex software solutions for enterprises and companies, including the design of computer networks, alternative computer systems with the assessment of the resources required for their implementation;
  • knowledge of modern methods of designing programs and software systems, developing optimal software solutions, algorithms of procedures and operations.

4. General Skills

  • ability to work professionally with up-to-date computer software;
  • ability to self-study and continue professional development;
  • communication skills including oral and written communication in Ukrainian, English, and at least one of the widely-spread European languages​​;
  • knowledge of methods of teaching computer science in college and university;
  • ability to lecture on specific topics and conduct relevant practical training in academic settings given in compliance with regulatory requirements for teaching.

Professional Graduates’ Profile and Potential Positions

The Master in the field of Information Management Systems and Technologies” is supposed to focus on developing application programs of data processing and management in various subject areas; seeking technical solutions based on software and hardware platforms of leading companies; software design, development, and maintenance.

Access to Further Education

Master in the field of “Information Management Systems and Technologies” can proceed with postgraduate studies under speciality 05.13.05 “Computer Systems and Components” or 05.13.06 “Information Technology”.

Regulations for Examinations, Assessment and Grades

The Tentative Provisions for Knowledge Assessment and Rating System for Students under Credit and Module System of Academic Process.

Graduation Requirements

Complete academic program of 120 credits; and successfully presented Master qualification paper.

Format of Education


Head of Program

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Semen S. Gorokhovskyi.

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