Код: 318522Назва:
Міжнародна соціальна робота 2
Анотація: This course is grounded in the introductory international social work and social policy courses and is designed to provide the opportunity to apply previous course knowledge to local and global social work practice, with a special emphasis on community practice. Тип дисципліни: професйно-орієнтованаРік навчання: 2Семестр: 3Кількість кредитів: 4Форма контролю: залікВикладач(і): доцент Бойко О.М.Результати навчання: Learning ObjectivesBy the completion of this course, students should be able to:1. Discuss the role of community practice in global development with a focus on social justice, human rights, and inclusive, participatory development.2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of major roles in community development in relation to socially diverse marginalized communities at home and abroad as well as diverse needs for social and economic development.3. Apply knowledge of the history and values pertinent to global and community development to the practice of macro-level intervention.4. Understand and apply strategies for analyzing/considering the unintended consequences of global and community development practice interventions related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.5. Develop a social media strategy for a campaign or organization for the purpose of engagement and participation.6. Understand the ever-changing environmental and global landscape in which all social workers practice.7. Understand the social work pathways to local and global environmental justice including partnerships and coalitions to create inclusive policy and programming.Спосіб навчання: змішанийЗміст дисципліни: Course Description
Social workers are constantly being faced with new challenges that have serious implications for social work practice. Social workers will need to have the knowledge and skills to apply to new challenges as they emerge. The historical and current political context of development, the policies and practices of international aid, humanitarian agencies, governments and multilateral organizations and the role of social work in addressing human rights and needs are critically examined. Emphasis is given to the impact of social welfare policy decisions upon oppressed population groups and the implications of these decisions for human rights and social and economic justice. The importance of engaging organizations, community groups and institutions and allies to work together to address problems or conditions they have identified and wish to solve, or change will also be highlighted.
The macro context of the relationship and tensions between Global North and Global South development and practice are explored, as is the impact of this context on global community practice. Knowledge, skills and awareness for community practice work in multicultural local, transnational, and global settings are emphasized in this course. Engagement of communities and organizations via social media campaigns and collaborative in-person activities are also highlighted. This course will also address environmental crises and sustainable development challenges facing social workers in local and global arenas. Special attention will be made to conceptualize these challenges, themes and issues using a social justice and human rights framework.
Рекомендована література: Rinkel, M. & Powers, M. (Eds.). (2017). Social Work: Promoting Community & Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers & Educators. International Federation of Social Workers: Berne, Switzerland. [Workbook 1]Powers, M. & Rinkel, M. (eds.) (2018). Promoting Community & Environmental Sustainability: A Workbook for Global Social Workers & Educators, Volume 2. International Federation of Social Workers: Berne, Switzerland. [Workbook 2]Chowdhury, S. R., Wahab, H. A., & Islam, M.R. (2019). The role of faith-based NGOs in development: Invisible empowerment. International Social Work, 62 (3), 1055-1074.Consensus Decision-Making http://consensusdecisionmaking.org/Articles/Basics%20of%20Consensus%20Decision%20Making.htmlCronin, M (2018). Social work, social justice, and a sustainable environment. In Elsherbiny, M.M., & Al Maamari, R. Social Work: Education, Theories, and Practice. Muscat, Oman: KDP Press.Davis, J.A. (2018). Drinking water, a little-noticed environmental justice problem. Society for Environmental Journalists Issue Backgrounder. https://www.sej.org/print/publications/backgrounders/drinking-water-little-noticed-environmental-justice-problem Dominelli, L. (2019). Green social work: An environmentally responsible approach to twenty-first century disaster challenges. In Webb, S. A. (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work. London: Routledge.Форми та методи навчання: лекційні, семінарські, самостійна роботаМетоди й критерії оцінювання: Оцінювання знань студентів здійснюється за 100-бальною рейтинговою системою у відповідності до "Положення НаУКМА про рейтингову систему оцінювання знань". Мова навчання: англійська