
MD "Physics"

Educational Field 0402 “Physics”

8.04020301 “Theoretical Physics”

Qualification Granted

Master Degree in Theoretical Physics


Master (Second level of higher education).

Requirements for Admission

None. General conditions apply.

Special Regulations for Prior Education Recognition (formal, informal, non-certificate)


Program Profile

The students studying in the educational field of “Theoretical Physics” receive the required amount of knowledge for:

  • understanding the physical effects (phenomena) and processes at all the structural levels of matter organization, from micro-world to Universe scale dimensions, in order to study new characteristics and laws (regularities) and generate natural-science knowledge in relevant branches of science;
  • developing physical and mathematical theories (models) that make it possible to interpret the known and prognosticate new physical phenomena and processes;
  • using up-to-date physical equipment for scientific research and using new materials and technologies.

In total, the curriculum offers 120 ECTS credits, including the modules of humanities and social sciences (12 credits), modules of professional and practical training (44 credits), and selective subjects of professional and practical training (50 credits).

State accreditation equals to 14 credits.

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge in the Subject Area

  • Master the apparatus of mathematical analysis, mathematical physics, and theory of groups, differential geometry and mathematical modeling of physical processes.
  • Working knowledge of the fundamental laws of interaction of fields and particles.
  • Skills in using modern mathematical apparatus of quantum theory and physics of condensed state.
  • The theory of phase transition from the point of view of symmetry violation in the process of matter structurization.
  • Qualitative and quantitative concepts about hierarchy and levels of matter organization – from micro world to the scale of Universe.

2. Skills in the Subject Area

  • Working knowledge of several branches in contemporary mathematical physics and mathematics; knowledge and ability to use the apparatus of mathematical analysis, theory of groups, differential geometry and mathematical modeling of physical processes.
  • Ability to draw and substantiate scientific conclusions, give professional recommendations, apply knowledge to solve modern physical and mathematical tasks and master contemporary branches of theoretical physics.
  • Ability to build abstract models of physical phenomena and processes, generalize them and discover effects which can be physically interpreted and observed.

3. Practical Skills in the Subject Area

  • Ability to build mathematical models of the phenomena and processes being observed.
  • Ability to analyze results of experimental research from the point of view of fundamental physical laws and in the framework of existing theoretical patterns.
  • Be able to solve differential and integral equations with the help of machine methods.
  • Be able to monitor scientific information through library catalogs and databases of international digital libraries.
  • Ability to analyze and summarize scientific and technical information and publish research results.
  • Practical knowledge of software tools for creating and editing scientific texts.
  • Be able to use the software for processing the results of physical research.
  • Be well-informed about the state of research in a given direction in related laboratories and research centers (including foreign ones).
  • Be able to see the integrity of a physical problem. Broad erudition.

4. General Skills

  • Ability to diagnose personal states and feelings aimed at providing effective and safe work.
  • Ability to highlight aims and tasks for personal work and keep to their effective and safe performance.
  • Ability to set up one’s own work as part of team work.
  • Ability to form an outline for personal work under conditions of production or everyday life based on realizing the aims and structure of the work.
  • Ability to run sociology surveys under production conditions.
  • Skills to use typical methods of empirical sociological research in the working process of a certain social group and identify character of reality in a society.
  • Skills to identify the type of a certain society unit and its place in political life of the country based on analysis results of country standard legal documents about society units, program documents of society units using classification criteria for society units and movements.
  • Ability to use pragmatic competence aimed at effective performance of professional tasks in the conditions of oral business contacts practicing advanced methods of oral communication.

Professional Graduates’ Profiles and Potential Positions

A Master in Physics is prepared to work in research institutes of Ukraine’s National Academy of Sciences of physical, physic-mathematical, and biophysical profile, in the institutions of Ukraine’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and in different institutions of physical and mathematical, physical and technical direction. A trained specialist is able to fulfill the following professional activities:

Research Associate (Physics, Astronomy)

Instructor at higher educational institutions

and is able to occupy the starting positions of:


Senior Instructor (subject to appropriate state standards).

Access to Further Education

Master in Theoretical Physics can continue university education at the third cycle (level) of higher education as a post-graduate student or a student of a PhD program in the specialized field.

Regulations for Examinations, Assessment and Grades

Tentative Regulations “On the Rating System Assessment for Credit and Module-based Learning”

Graduation Standards

Complete curriculum (120 credits), successful public defense of a Master thesis.

Format of Education (full-time, distant, part-time)


Head of Program or Person in Charge

Doctor (PhD) of Science, Professor Petro I. Golod.