
BD "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Conservation of Nature"

Educational Field 0708 “Ecology”

Qualification Granted

Bachelor Degree in Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Use of Natural Resources.

Qualification Level

Bachelor (First level of higher education).

Special Requirements for Admission

None. General conditions apply.

Special Regulations for Prior Education Recognition (formal, informal, non-certificate)


Program Profile

Students of educational field “Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Use of Natural Resources” receive necessary knowledge in order to master conceptual terminology and methods of ecology, evaluate the state of natural objects in different eco- and geo-systems of environment, study laws for environment monitoring, get prepared to run ecological tests of different kinds, learn basic ecology legacy, learn to prevent or act against possible harm for the nature, learn ecological influence on human health, study the state of water resources, soils, geological environment and relief forms, evaluate the state of atmosphere air, plants and animals, determine and forecast the state of nature components, learn to analyze economic management of natural resources, provide protection in case of unpredicted situations, learn to control the rules on labor safety and sanitary requirements, investigate accident cases, learn the use of equipment in ecology laboratories, research mechanical, physical, chemical and migration abilities of chemical elements, perform dividing measures of natural districts, study natural landscape, city systems, learn to put into systems structure and correlation of structure elements in eco- and geo-systems.

The curriculum offers the total amount of 240 ECTS credits including social and humanities modules (24 credits), fundamental, natural, scientific and general economic training module (60 credits), modules of professional and practical training (148.5 credits), and state accreditation (7.5 credits).

Key Learning Outcomes

    Knowledge in the Subject Area

  • Basic knowledge of conceptual terminology in ecology and of its main laws.
  • Knowledge of bio-chemical processes, substance circulation, ecological factors, resources, ecological niche, and variety of inter-relationships for the main types of living forms.
  • Ability to use the main laws, regulations, rules and principles of ecology, global ecological problems, issues on ecological safety, pollution mechanisms, pollution classification, and classification indexes.
  • Knowledge of anthropogenic character of migration in different types of geochemical landscapes.
  • Understanding of sanitary measurements for soil quality and the state of plants in different ecosystems and laboratory data.
  • Knowledge of the law “On Ecological Testing”, regulations and policy circulating papers on running ecological tests under natural conditions of an object or artificial industry sites.
  • Ability to outline the character of anthropogenic migration in different types of geochemical landscapes.
  • Knowledge of main standard regulations.

    Cognitive Skills in the Subject Area
  • Ability to make and give reasons for scientific conclusions, give professional recommendations, encourage use of laws to solve modern problems.
  • Ability to process documents, give ecological assessment of the state of natural components, to explain processes by means of traditional laws of ecology and forecast them.
  • Ability to give algorithms of evaluation regarding ecological states of certain land areas, under certain conditions using ecology laboratory equipment and write necessary documents.
  • Ability to algorithmically reveal negative ecology tendencies in the use of land resources under certain conditions using ecology laboratory equipment and write necessary documents.
  • Ability to determine lack of microelements in soils under natural conditions by means of necessary tools and write necessary documents or issue necessary certificates.
  • Ability to compose pollution maps for soils and plants, evaluate their ecology state and divide them into certain districts.
  • Ability to assess anthropological influence on water state in rivers, changes in their flow and write necessary documents.
  • Ability to give general characteristic to the state of taxonomic unit of landscape based on received results of the state of all natural components.
  • Based on circulating documents on ecology testing in the condition of natural ecosystems or artificial objects using statistic, laboratory and found data, work out the “Assessment of Influence on the Environment” conclusions.

    Practical Skills in the Subject Area
  • Skills based on data of physical, geographic, ecological and economic state of territory in natural and modeled conditions using certain criteria on creation of park territories (areas) to give grounds for sensibility of forming a certain park (area).
  • Ability based on Ukrainian law “on natural parks of Ukraine” and regulations as to natural parks in naturals and modeled conditions, using ecological and economic indexes on territory state to work out positive development pattern of natural parks for a certain area.
  • Computer skills to use special software to assess negative influence of manufacture on natural environment.
  • Skills to give quality and quantity assessment of anthropogenic and geologic processes on territory and building stability, and conditions of their operating using special equipment.
  • Considering anthropogenic issues, be able to identify excessive concentrations of elements in geochemical landscape, identify damaged areas and produce recommended measures to improve natural environment.
  • Skills to study anthropogenic character, identify excessive concentrations of elements in geochemical landscapes, identify damaged areas and produce recommended measures to improve natural environment.
  • Ability to use traditional and portable laboratories in order to identify output processes for pollution substances using tools for current standards, control of certain output facts.
  • Skills to identify quality indexes for natural environment and paper process them using physical, chemical, sanitary, bacteriological, biological and radiological methods.
  • Ability to run express tests of base sediments for studied objects, perform radiation measuring under certain ecosystem conditions.
  • Skills to control the state of air in a working area, sanitary-protect area at industry manufactures, keep under control river state in natural conditions and process necessary documents.
  • Ability to perform observation of routes and danger points in order to identify the quality state of atmosphere.
  • Skills to perform hydro-biological observations on quality of water and base sediments, evaluate water quality in rivers and other water sites under the conditions of anthropogenic load.
  • Ability to effectively control the follow of standards and rules for sensible use of natural resources in different institutions, establishments, companies and general public independent of their form of running.

    General Skills
  • Ability to diagnose personal states and feelings aimed at providing effective and safe work.
  • Ability to highlight aims and tasks for personal work and keep to their effective and safe performance.
  • Ability to set up one’s own work as part of team work.
  • Ability to form an outline for personal work under conditions of production or everyday life based on realizing the aims and structure of the work.
  • Ability to run sociology surveys under production conditions.
  • Skills to use typical methods of empirical sociological research in the working process of a certain social group and identify character of reality in a society.
  • Skills to identify the type of a certain society unit and its place in political life of the country based on analysis results of country standard legal documents about society units, program documents of society units using classification criteria for society units and movements.
  • Ability to use pragmatic competence aimed at effective performance of professional tasks in the conditions of oral business contacts practicing advanced methods of oral communication.

Professional Graduates’ Profiles and Potential Positions

The sphere of professional activities of a Bachelor in “Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Use of Natural Resources” covers all industry manufactures and scientific research institutions, where possible threats for natural environment and biosphere in general can appear.

A Bachelor can participate in experiments, observations and measuring of pollution levels in natural environment; run analyses, summarize research results and encourage publications.

A Bachelor gives professional training for employees and professional guidelines for the young in the subject of natural environment protection.

Access to Further Education

Bachelor in the field “Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Use of Natural Resources” can proceed with university studying at the second level of higher education (level – Specialist, Master) under the specialty of   “Ecology, Protection of Environment and Balanced Use of Natural Resources.”

Regulations on Examinations, Assessment and Grades

Tentative Regulations “On the Rating System Assessment for Credit and Module-based Learning”

Graduation Standards

Complete curriculum (240 credits), passed state examination or successfully presented qualification research paper.

Format of Education (full-time, distant, part-time)

Full time.

Head of Program or Person in Charge

Doctor (PhD) of Chemistry, Professor Sergiy D. Isayev.