
BD "Law"

Educational Field 6.030401 – Law Studies

Qualification Granted

Bachelor’s Degree in Law
Bachelor’s Degree in Law Studies

Qualification Level

Bachelor (First level of higher education)

Special Requirements for Admission

None. General conditions apply.

Special Regulations for Prior Education Recognition (formal, informal, non-certificate)

None. General conditions apply.

Program Profile

The students trained under this program are to master the basic principles of law and some of its branches, develop adequate perception and understanding of law as the regulator of social relations, of the phenomenon of human civilization, as well as to get acquainted with the whole system of jurisprudence, to acquire knowledge and skills within a wide range of law areas. Also the students training under this program will develop the ability to put into practice their new legal and general scientific knowledge, freely navigate in the most important organizational and legal processes and legal institutions in certain fields of law. The Faculty of Law views the main task of the Bachelor program in training a new generation of lawyers capable of implementing, at a high professional level, the acquired knowledge in all areas of legal science and practice, as well as in shaping the values ​​and world outlooks of the students who will be able to effectively influence the development of the law-ruling state, civil society and development of market economy in Ukraine. The law specialists prepared under this program are able to work in Ukrainian bodies of public administration (state government agencies and local governments) as well as at enterprises, institutions and organizations of both having law profile, and those operating in different spheres of social life.

In total, the curriculum offers 240 ECTS credits including the module of humanities, social and economic studies (36 credits); the module of fundamental natural and scientific studies (23 credits); the module of professional and practical skills’ training (160 credits – including 7.5 credits of state accreditation).

Key Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge in Subject Area

  • ability to navigate in historical and political aspects of the development of law, specific legal systems and traditions, political and legal doctrines and theories;
  • awareness with the theory of democracy, principles of the rule of law and legal system, natural and inalienable rights and freedoms of a human;
  • competence in the theoretical basis of law of general legal concepts and categories. Proper knowledge of the  terminology in the theory of law and system of jurisprudence according to the specific areas of law. Knowledge and ability to use the conceptual terminology and concepts of juridical logics;
  • master the knowledge about the law system and legislation, mechanisms for legal regulating in various branches of law, as well as about the status of legal practice;
  • master the knowledge necessary for prompt settling problematic issues in the areas of public law (constitutional, international public and financial), as well as private law (civil, commercial, and family law);
  • ability to provide correct legal assessment of certain evidence, their combination in a juridical case and a particular procedural situation;
  • awareness with specific forms and directions of practical activities of a lawyer within the disciplines of an advocating and notary activities.

2. Cognitive Skills in Subject Area:

  • ability to apply legal knowledge and acquired skills for efficient solving of problem situations in an appropriate area of ​​law or under a particular institution, and to provide a qualified opinion on the issue
  • ability to use required software and electronic resources for research work – taking into account the need for monitoring the dynamics of regulatory update, search and processing of large arrays of regulations and doctrinal literature, as well as preparation of legal opinions and other materials of doctrinal nature;
  • ability to provide doctrinal and practical levels of legal support to issues in other areas of public life: political, socio-economic, cultural, educational, etc.;
  • ability to apply basic techniques of identifying, recording and investigation of evidence, to settle mental tasks of planning and organizing a legal process and resolve a juridical case.

3. Practical Skills in Subject Area:

  • navigation in the current system legislation system;
  • ability to interpret current legislation;
  • operational skills and effective navigation in regulatory database, distinguishing the sources of law with regard to their legal effect and hierarchy; the ability to solve problems of competition among legislative norms;
  • skills to work with considerable arrays of specialized information of normative and doctrinal nature; the ability to formulate one’s own internally coherent, logical and substantiated position based on maximized processing of sources database;
  • making procedural decisions;
  • preparing and compiling, formatting processing transactions, as well as preparing and developing other official and procedural documents - in the areas of administrative, criminal, civil, commercial, banking, family and inheritance law, etc.;
  • knowledge and skills necessary for registering an entity and preparing documents related to its activities;
  • gaining of qualifying skills and investigation of crimes within criminology, criminalistics, forensic science; review of the procedural aspects in criminal proceedings;
  • orientation in the areas of procedural law, including the possession of knowledge and practical skills necessary for appropriate participation in litigation in civil, commercial, and criminal justice.

4. General Skills:

  • ability to develop one’s own evaluation and views of the past, present and future of Ukraine; to analyze current problems of society and produce one’s own public stance;
  • practical skills for operational and qualitative data collection, verification of information, its proper source design - during the preparation of research papers, official documents or legal opinions;
  • ability to self-learn and continue one’s professional development;
  • communication skills, including oral and written language, the proper use of the Ukrainian language and fluency in foreign languages, the appropriate use of legal terminology in accordance with the traditions of official-business style in Ukrainian. Ability to perform general stylistic, orthographic, syntactic editing of official documents and materials of doctrinal nature
  • skills to interact with other people, ability to work in groups, as well as the skills of active participation within the general court procedures and defending one’s own position;
  • skills to organize a proper workflow, schedule one’s work activities, formulate the agenda; correct and clear statement of objectives and priorities.

Professional Profile of Graduates and Potential Positions

The Bachelors in Law and Law Studies will be focusing their professional and research activities on sources database, in particular, the regulatory database of law and individual legal rules, norms, and principles stated in such databases, as well as legal institutions, organizational and legal mechanisms, based on the sources databases, for proper regulation of social relations and the interests of entities that enter such relationship - while protecting the interests of the state and society. In addition to obtaining the qualification Degree of Bachelor, the students can also attend courses within the available certificate programs “International Protection of Human Rights” and “Legal Regulation of Financial Security.”

Access to Further Education

Bachelor in the field of “Law” and “Law Studies” can continue university studies within the Specialist’s program (specialization in Law Studies) and at Master level (specialization in Law Studies).

Regulations for Examinations, Assessment and Grades

NaUKMA’s Tentative Provisions for Knowledge Assessment and Rating System for Students under Credit and Module System of Education Process

Graduation Requirements

Complete academic curriculum of 240 credits; successfully passed state examinations (two mandatory and one selective).

Format of Education


Head of Program
Andriy A. Meleshevych, Dean of the Faculty of Law; PhD in Political Science (Syracuse University), Professor