
Research Exchange Cooperation for Academics in Belarus

In 2018, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Lund University, Sweden) and the Center for International Human Rights at the National University of Kiyv-Mohyla Academy offered the possibility of a research exchange for academics in Belarus to spend 1 month (1-31 of May) in Kiyv, Ukraine. The aim of the research exchange is to increase opportunities for targeted researchers in Belarus to produce quality human rights (including gender equality) research. The cooperation also aims to contribute to improved quality and increased availability of relevant academic research products on human rights (including gender equality) relevant to be used for public policy dialogue, formal and non-formal education. As a result of the research exchange it is expected that the successful candidate will write an academic paper on a human rights theme of relevance to the Belarusian context.


Professor Rene Vark delivered guest lectures on International Humanitarian Law


within the project "Enhancing the knowledge, skills and attitudes related to human rights and democracy of the students and academic staff at Ukrainian Universities"

between the Centre for International Human Rights, NaUKMA and the Law School, the Tartu University,

19-23 March 2018




Director of CIHR Dr Myroslava Antonovych delivered a lecture "Specificity and Commonality of the Holodomor in the World Context of Genocides"

19 April 2017, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto

within Petro Jacyk Program, Centre for the European, Russian and Eurasian Studies

with support of the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium

Professor Lauri Malksoo taught a guest course "International and European Human Rights Law"

within the project "Enhancing the knowledge, skills and attitudes related to human rights and democracy of the students and academic staff at Ukrainian Universities"

between the Centre for International Human Rights, NaUKMA and the Law School, the Tartu University

15-19 May 2017 


The Sixth All-Ukrainian Annual Conference "International Legal Responsibility of the Russian Federation for Aggression against Ukraine"

Centre for International Human Rights,the Law School, NaUKMA

24th January 2017, 13:30 - 18:30

2 Skovoroda St., NaUKMA Museum


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2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine