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Prof. Dr. Roman Petrov (LLM (Durham, UK)), PhD (Ukraine), PhD (London, UK) Building 9, room. 5, tel. (044) 425 60 73 Dr. Roman Petrov lectured Jean Monnet Module in EU law at the Donetsk National University (2001-2004) and conducted post-doctoral research as Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (Italy, 2006-2008) and had visiting fellowships at University of Heidelberg (Germany), University of Oxford (UK), University of Ghent (Belgium). Dr. Petrov is founder and first elected President of the Ukrainian European Studies Association ( and Head of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies ( Areas of Dr. Petrov's research and teaching include: EU Law, EU External Relations Law; Approximation and Harmonisation of Legislation in the EU; Rights of Third Country Nationals in the EU, EU-Ukraine Association, Legal Aspects of Regional Integration in the Post-Soviet Area. |
Lecturers ![]() Dr. Tetiana Kyselova, Associate Professor at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy since 2012. Dr. Kyselova holds an LLM from London School of Economics and Political Science, kandidat nauk degree from Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and a DPhil from University of Oxford. Tetiana Kyselova holds an LLM from London School of Economics and Political Science, kandidat nauk degree from Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and a DPhil from University of Oxford. She is Associate Professor at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy School of Law where she teaches courses in Methodology of Research in Law, and European Studies in Contemporary Doctoral Research for undergraduate and post-graduate students. She is the course convenor for Alternative Dispute Resolution module, Postgraduate Diploma in International Dispute Resolution taught by distance learning at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London. Tatiana is a fellow of the Academic Fellowship Program (OSI) and a member of the Drafting Committee for new Ukrainian law on mediation. She was trained in mediation by the Search for Common Ground in 1997. She has advised IFC World Bank Group, UNDP and Council of Europe on development of mediation in post-Soviet countries. Her research interests include socio-legal studies, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), international commercial arbitration, mediation, negotiation, ADR in comparative and European perspective. Publications |
Jean Monnet Chair’s objectives
Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law is affiliated with the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy). The original Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was founded by the Metropolitan of Kyiv Petro Mohyla in 1632, was one of the most distinguished and earliest among higher educational institutions in Eastern Europe. After closure during Soviet times the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was re established after gaining independence of Ukraine in 1991. Hitherto Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is one of leaders of higher education reform in Ukraine. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy practices an educational policy, which is in line with the Bologna Process (three-cycle education, credit system, elective courses). Kyiv-Mohyla Academy students are encouraged to develop individual initiative, responsibility and critical thinking in line with best Western educational standards.
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is one of few higher education institutions in Ukraine which runs programs and courses in English and Ukrainian at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Law School offers certificate programme in European Law for postgraduate students and annual Ukrainian-German Law Summer School.
The very first Jean Monnet Chair in EU law in Ukraine pursues objective of introduction of new teaching activities in EU law at postgraduate level and supervision of research at doctorate level at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Jean Monnet Chair in EU law serves as an academic and educational centre and resource hub in EU law and European Studies in Ukraine. Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law publishes high quality academic books and teaching materials in EU law and hosts international academic conferences, workshops and seminars on the most contemporary issues of EU-Ukraine relations. It promotes teaching and research in various fields of European Studies at Ukrainian universities including expertise in EU law.
The major objectives of Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law are: a) to enhance knowledge and awareness among students, academics and civil servants about issues related to the EU-Ukraine relations in the fields of EU business activities and EU external relations; b) to provide high standard research supervision and teaching in EU law in English and Ukrainian to postgraduate students of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; c) to produce high quality books and course materials in EU law and their wide dissemination in Ukraine and abroad; d) to organize educational and research events on most contemporary issues of the EU-Ukraine relations.
Activities of the Jean Monnet Chair
Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy offers the following courses:
- “European Union Business Law (in Ukrainian)
- “Current Issues of EU Law in Context of EU-Ukraine Relations (in English)
- “EU External Relations Law” (in English)
The following courses are in the process of developing and piloting:
- “Rights of third country nationals in the European Union” (in English)
- “European Union Social Law” (in English)
Under the framework of the Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Group Project "Eastern Partnership and its prospects with a view of legal approximation, rule of law and human rights" (chaired by Prof. Nadezda Siskova at the Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci jointly with the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) and Heidelberg University (Germany)) Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at the NaUKMA organised international conference "Preparedness for the Acceptation of Duties of the Association Country in the field of Human Rights, Approximation of Laws and Judicial and Administrative Capacity" on October 8-9 2012 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Distinguished European and Ukrainian academics, experts and judges gathered to discuss legal and political aspects of preparedness of Ukraine to assume duties of the association country with the EU and to study relevant experience of the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at the Kyiv–Mohyla Academy conducts annual “Jean Monnet Seminars”. First Jean Monnet Seminar “The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU-Ukraine relations" was held in Kyiv on 21 April 2011. The event pursued objective to discuss the Lisbon Treaty and its impact on the EU-Ukraine relations. The First Jean Monnet Seminar was attended by leading Ukrainian experts and academics in EU law, civil servants and students. The key address was given by Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law Prof. Dagmar Schiek (Unviersity of Leeds, UK) and Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Mr. Valeriy Pyatnitskiy.
The Second Jean Monnet Seminar "Implementation and Application of the EU «sectoral acquis» in the legal system of Ukraine: Progress and Challenges" took place at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy on 11th April 2012. The event was marked by academic and expert discussion on achievements and challenges of the process of implementation and application of the EU «sectoral acquis» in Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to the application of the EU «energy acquis» in the aftermath of the Ukraine's accession to the Energy Community. The Second Jean Monnet Seminar was attended by Legal Advisor of the Energy Community Secretariat Dr. Rozeta Karova, representative of the EU Delegation in Ukraine Mr. Jose Roman Leon Lora, leading experts and academics in EU law in Ukraine.
Jean Monnet International Conference “Transfer of European Common Values to the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union” was held at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy on 23d April 2013. The meeting of academics and experts from Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia, Georgia and Armenia had born a fruitful discussion about legal and political challenges of the process of transfer of European Common Values to the countries of the Eastern Partnership and Russia. Particular attention was paid to the application of the EU “acquis” by judiciaries in these countries. The Third Jean Monnet Seminar will result in publishing a book with international publisher Routledge Press.
Jean Monnet School
Jean Monnet School
Jean Monnet Chair and Jean Monnet Module provides academic and organizational support to "Jean Monnet School in European Studies". This initiative was launched with help of the Law Student's Academic Society «Scholaris». The objective of the Jean Monnet School in European Studies is to offer public lectures on most contemporary issues of EU-Ukraine relations and EU Law by leading Ukrainian and international academics and experts. Students who regularly attend the Jean Monnet School in European Studies can be awarded with Jean Monnet Certificates. Meetings take place not only as public lectures but also as debates. Attendants of the Jean Monnet School in European Studies at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy pass the end of term test and most successful of them are awarded with Jean Monnet Certificates. Since its launch in September 2010 the Jean Monnet School in European Studies has proved to be successful, popular and interesting initiative. About 50-60 students regularly attend the Jean Monnet School's lectures series and take active part in discussions.
The following public lectures took place within the framework of the Jean Monnet School in European Studies:
2017-2018 academic year
Lecture №1
Prof. Karsten Nowrot (Hamburg University, Germany) «The Legal Framework of Global EU External Relations»
Lecture №2
Dr. Stefan Lorenzmeier and Büsra Bulut (Augsbrurg University, Germany) «Challenges of Migration and Terrorism in the EU: Look from Germany»
Lecture №3
Prof. Аdam Lazowski (University of Westminster, UK) “EU Citizenship at the time of Brexit”
Lecture №4
Prof. Natalia Chaban, Jean Monnet Chair, (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) «Crisis, Conflict and Critical Diplomacy: Narrative and Perceptions of the EU in Ukraine»
Lecture №5
Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier (President of Federal Republic of Germany) «European Integration and the Germany-Ukraine Partnership»
2016-2017 academic year
Lecture №1
Prof. Martin Krygier (University of New South Wales, Australia, Vice-President of the Australian association of philosophy of law) “Why Rule of Law is too important to be left for lawyers?”
Lecture №2
Dr. Stefan Lorenzmeier (Augsburg University, Germany) “Constitutional foundations of the German federal state”
Lecture №3
Prof. Adam Lazowski (University of Westminster, UK) “Brexit means Brexit….but what exactly is Brexit?. Political and legal parameters of UK’s withdrawal from the EU”
Lecture №4
Mr. Morten Ehnberg (Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine), Prof. Tetiana Antsupova (Ukrainian European Studies Association) “Ukraine in the Council of Europe: 20 years of membership”
Lecture №5
Mr. Andrej Plenković (Prime Minister of Croatia)
“Croatia's European and Euro-Atlantic Experience - A Role Model for Ukraine?”
2015-2016 academic year
Lecture №1
Zuzana Novakova (Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies, the Hague (the Netherlands)) "11 years of membership of Slovakia in the European Union: a success story or disappointment?"
Lecture №2
Ostap Semerak (MP of Ukraine, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine on European integration, graduate of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (political science, 1998)) "Implementation of the Association Agreement: achievements and challenges"
Lecture №3
Natalia Blazhyvska (Judge of the High Administrative Court of Ukraine) "Role of judges in modern democracies: European discourse"
Lecture №4
Stefan Lorenzmeier (Аugsburg University, Germany) «Policy of the German federal government to combat migration crisis in the European Union»
Lecture №5
Iryna Izarova (Taras Schevchenko Kyiv National University) «Open window to civil process in the European Union»
2014-2015 academic year
Lecture №1
Robert Khorolskiy (EU Law expert, Law Firm “OMP”) “Trade Policy and EU Law: From Karel to Cecilia”
Lecture №2
Маrgarita Starkeviciute (Former Member of European Parliament, Professor of Vilnius University, Lithuania) “European Growth Strategy. View from Lithuania”
Lecture №3
Mykola Kuzio (Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) “Contemporary and future challenges to ensure effective application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement”
Lecture №4
Armen Mazmanyan (Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies in Yerevan, Armenia) “Debating Lustration: Implications and Comparative Perspectives”
Lecture №5
Juliana Revyk (KPMG Ukraine) “EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Potential and Expected Changes”
Lecture №6
Dr. Olga Burlyuk (Centre for EU Studies, Ghent University (Belgium)) "EU's reaction on events in Ukraine: view from Brussels"
2013-2014 academic year
Lecture №1
Natalia Blazhivska (High Administrative Court of Ukraine) "Application of EU Law in Ukraine after the entry into force of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement"
Lecture №3
Christine Piltant (technical adviser of the Embassy of France to the Ministry f Justice of Ukraine) «Reform of the Ukrainian judiciary as a prerequisite for the effective application of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement»
Lecture №4
Anne-Marie Lizin, Honorary President of the Senate of Belgium, former member of the European Parliament "Gender mainstreaming in Europe: a success story?"
2012-2013 academic year
Lecture №1
Prof. Lenka Rovna and Prof. Ivo Slosarcik (Jean Monnet Chair and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Charles University, Prague)
"Application of EU Law in legal system of Czech Republic. Review of case law"
Lecture №2
Dr. Mihaela Tofan (Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, Romania)
"European Monetary Union and Central and Eastern European countries" and "Application of EU Law in legal system of Romania"
Lecture №3
Ms Christine Oddy (Former Member of European Parliament, Lecturer in European Studies at University of Warwick, UK)
"European Union Citizenship. Today and future challenges"
Lecture № 4
Professor Dagmar Schiek (Director of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam (University of Leeds, UK)
"Economic and Social Integration - the Challenge for EU Constitutional Law"
Lecture № 5
Dr. Ion Stevile (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Moldova in Ukraine) "Republic of Moldova's reforms towards European Integration"
2011-2012 academic year
Lecture №1
Mr. Jan Marinus Wiersma (Former Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of European Forum for Democracy and Stability)
«Seven Years of the EU Membership of the Central and Eastern European Countries. View from the EU»
Lecture №2
Dr. Robert Khorolskiy (Expert in legal issues at the Ukrainian-European Policy Legal Advice Centre (UEPLAC))
«Future Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. What is Next?»
Lecture №3
Ms. Natalia Blazhivska (Judge of the Kyiv District Administrative Court)
«Application of EU Law by Ukrainian courts. Current Practice and Future Challenges»
Lecture №4
Prof. Mortimer Sellers (University System of Maryland Regents Professor of Law, Director of the Center for International and Comparative Law, USA) «History of Evolution of the Rule of Law Principle»
Lecture № 5
Ms. Аndroulla Vassiliou (European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Youth and Sport) «Future of the European Education Area»
Lecture № 6
Dr. Pavlo Pushkar (Registrar at the Secretariat of the European Court of Human Rights, France)
«Future of Reforms of the European Court of Human Rights»