

Timothy Snyder, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Ivan Krastev, Slavenka Drakulic, Paul Berman

 May 15-19, 2014


In the middle of May, an international group of intellectuals will come to Kyiv to

demonstrate solidarity, meet their Ukrainian counterparts, and carry out a broad public

discussion about the meaning of Ukrainian pluralism for the future of Europe, Russia, and the

world. This is an encounter between those who care about freedom and a country where freedom is dearly won. The Maidan and reactions to it, in Ukraine and abroad, raise classical and

contemporary questions of politics and ethics. How can human rights be grounded and how

are we motivated by the idea of human rights? How and when does language provide

access to the universal, and how and when does it define political difference? Are some

experiences so intense that they alter the character of intellectual exchange as such? How

is decency in politics possible amidst international anarchy, domestic corruption, and the

general fallibility of individuals? Does revolution renew Europe and revive political thought or

can revolution, like everything else, be consumed by the clichés and abstractions of

globalization? What does the revival of geopolitics mean for the world order? Is the Maidan

an eruption of youth or an expression of history? Does its memory bring Ukrainians closer to

European preoccupations, or introduce constellations that confound myths?


An inherent part of the programme of Conference UKRAINE: THINKING TOGETHER is INTELLECTUAL MARATHON AT NAUKMA – a series of open lectures and discussions under participation of Timothy Snyder, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Ivan Krastev, Slavenka Drakulic, Paul Berman.


A detailed programme of INTELLECTUAL MARATHON AT NAUKMA please find here.


INTELLECTUAL MARATHON AT NAUKMA is open for NaUKMA Community and all interested people. Registration is required!


For more information, please contact

Larysa Chovniuk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 050 446 52 94

Oksana Plaksii, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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