
Mini course by Marjorie Lehman: "The Book That Created Judaism: An Introduction to the Talmud"

May 12-14, 2015

NaUKMA Jewish Studies programs



National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, MA in Jewish Studies Program,

Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies,

Judaica Ukrainica, and Laurus Press



invite to a mini course by Marjorie Lehman



The Book That Created Judaism: An Introduction to the Talmud


The vast complex of Jewish law and culture in antiquity is contained in the Talmud. For more than a millennium Jews have revered and studied this book, writing numerous commentaries and establishing institutions over the ages with the primary curricular focus—to learn Talmud. Indeed, it has remained among the most prominent texts in Jewish literature and few think about the construction of Jewish identity and culture without confronting, at some point, the relationship between it and Judaism. In this course we will explore how the Talmud became such a central book for Jews. More specifically, we will think about how the rabbis of the Talmud established a sense of authority by exploring the rabbinic institutions they constructed, the laws they established and the critique they lodged both against older forms of Judaism, such as the sacrificial cult, as well as the non-Jewish world around them.


Professor Marjorie Lehman is a scholar in the field of Talmud and Rabbinics at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. In 2012, she published her first book, The En Yaaqov: Jacob ibn Habibs Search for Faith in the Talmudic Corpus. She is currently contributing to and editing two volumes: Motherhood in the Jewish Cultural Imagination and Learning to Read Talmud: What it Looks Like and How it Happens.



The mini course will be held on

Tuesday May 12, 2015 at 11.40–13.00

Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 10.00–11.20 and 11.40–13.00

Thursday May 14, 2015 at 10.00–11.20 and 11.40–13.00


at the office of the NaUKMA Jewish Studies programs

(Kyiv, Voloska Street 8/5, building 5, basement)


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